1. New job is not so new anymore. I am very happy there and convinced that I made the right decision. Especially once I realized how crappy my old salary actually was. And I have my weekends back. I can truly relax on weekends, not spend the time stressing about what I have to deal with at work on Momday. It is magnificent.
2. Three weeks ago tomorrow, I broke my foot (which you probably already know). This is my first broken bone. Ever (that toe as a child was not confirmed as broken, and toes don't count). It turns out that cuboid bones don't appreciate bending that way. Fortunately, there was an urgent care clinic nearby that stayed open until 10pm. Thanks, Allina Clinics! And with my new insurance I was able to go see my doctor. The one I'm comfortable with. She had no idea about my broken foot, but she was able to pull up my urgent care info and refer me to orthopedics (to placate the insurance company). It was good to see her again. I hated having insurance that wouldn't let me see her.
3. Back to orthopedics tomorrow afternoon. Taking bets on if I'll need a regular shoe when I leave the doctor's office.
4. Playing the piano with a broken right foot is challenging. That's my sustain pedal foot! I haven't even tried the organ.
5. Most importantly, I got Cheetos at the grocery store last night.