Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kleenex: Mana from Heaven

I store Kleenex in my pockets like a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter. It is uncommon to see me without a puffed out pocket, because if I am caught without a Kleenex, the results are never pretty. This time of year is always bad, because the seasons are changing. Spring and fall are my worst times of years, allergy-wise. And on rainy days, I am miserable. I joke that people should buy stock in Kleenex, given how much of it I go through. There's a box in my nightstand, a box on the end table by my recliner and a box by my computer. At work, I store a box in my desk drawer (because the office-purchased tissues are the cheap generic kind that leave your hands covered in nose slime). When it comes to facial tissue, I've found that Kleenex are the best for me. Puffs leave lint/lotion in my nose which makes the congestion worse. I blow right through the cheap generic kind, which defeats the purpose of using a tissue. I would have to carry a bag full of handkerchiefs if I was going to go the "environmentally friendly" route, and I'd use a ton of water washing them.

Matt and I started playing Minecraft in cooperative mode on Sunday night. We've got a good system going. He goes off in his silly-looking iron armor and mines underground, while I cut down trees to make sure our supply of wood is sufficient, and then plant saplings so we have a basically neverending supply of wood. I also harvest and replant the wheat we are growing. Wheat is good because it can be used to make bread or cake or cookies, and you can use it to lure various critters (pigs, chickens, cows, sheep) into a pen for easy farming of meat and/or wool (sheeps don't drop meat, just wool). Once you have them penned, you can breed two animals by feeding them wheat. I started us with two pigs. Our current pig count is 5 or 6 (a couple got killed for meat). Then I got us a chicken by throwing eggs at the ground. Still trying to get chicken number two. Last night, I managed to wrangle us two cows. Cows are probably the best animal resource in the game. You get steaks, milk, and leather from them, all of which are high-value resources. I had a wolf that I tamed, but last night he got lost somehow, so I have to try and tame another because I want to go exploring and having a wolf for protection would be useful if I get stuck outside at night. We didn't get as much time to play last night as we would have liked because we got home late, and when we got home I had something that had to be done immediately (if I had known how late we were going to get home, I might have done it before leaving the office, but... whatever).

I just did the experience survey for Red Robin. Their boxes for open-ended responses did not have a very large character limit. What would I do if I was REALLY pissed off? Probably call them and bitch them out. I wasn't completely pissed off, just slightly annoyed that when it came time to leave, our waitress was nowhere to be found, and she walked past our table a couple times without stopping to see how we were, even when I had my wallet out and was fiddling with my credit card.

Did a whole bunch of work this morning only to have someone spaz out that the total number of completes was not right because she missed deleting a respondent she wanted to get rid of. It wouldn't be so bad, but this was the second time I had run this set of tables. We're just going to leave that respondent in the data set.

Calling back people who call you but don't leave a message is a waste of your time. I understand that you're screening your calls so the bill collectors can't find you, but I'm pretty sure they'll leave you a message. No message, no reason to call back. That's how I roll, makes my life so much easier.

I have never worked at a McDonald's, nor do I ever plan to.


  1. I call all tissues, Kleenex, just like I call all cello-tape, Scotch-tape. I was just pondering that if I did actually have kleenex and tape in front of me right now I would have guaranteed been on my way to taping one heck of a mess.

    Sometimes I wonder about people and their relationship with tape. My mom is a taper. There's never too much tape for her. Get a parcel from my mom in the mail and you have to scan it carefully looking for a crevice to sink the blade of your knife. Yes, knife, for there's no way you can open one of her parcels without a knife.

    If you want, I have some extraneous roosters you can have for your game...

  2. I buy Kleenex too. At work they don't supply us with anything. There is a kleenex box at the front counter and that's it. So i buy my own.

    I am a taper too. Good luck getting that present open!

    I've never played Minecraft. It sounds fun and yet complicated.

  3. I use Viva paper towels. They're soft and they don't disintegrate. [I tear them in half...and yes, I know they look less than ladylike but__]

  4. I am one of those who use Puffs. I also use Charmin Ultra in the blue wrapper. Or paper towels. Or extra napkins from the night-before-last's fast food. My eyes - or I should say eye - it's my left one, drools constantly. *sigh*

  5. On the issue of work phone calls...
    This woman calls and leaves her name like I should know her, but no real message.
    I started to ignore, but figured what the heck.
    I call her and she is sales person that is taking way too long to explain what she wants.
    I tell her how we can communicate, but she insist on a meeting. I tell her send me the numbers then we will talk.
    So she stops by the office. Once again she acts as if she has an appointment. I ask the receptionist to send her back. She once again takes her time to talk. I mostly ignore her.

    and you know what...she still hasn't sent me the numbers. What did she think, she is so cute and charming, I will do business with her no matter the cost.

    She is dead to me.
