Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's she going to do, fire me?

So, as you may or may not know, I have been offered (and subsequently accepted) a new job at a different company. I gave my two week notice last Friday (the 24th). This morning, my coworker was working at my desk today, and she hadn't turned the volume off on her phone yet. I said that I wasn't turning my phone to silent anymore because "what's she going to do, fire me?". We got a good chuckle about that. And it got me to thinking. When did I stop caring about my job? What was the turning point that made me go from content to discontent?

I can pinpoint some instances where I was frustrated by the office environment and my boss, but none of them really were enough to light a fire under me to go job hunting, or consider any offers for interviews that might be extended via LinkedIn. But something this summer made me open to the conversation with the recruiter who eventually was instrumental in getting this new job.

I still like what I do. I still find my assigned tasks interesting and occasionally challenging. But more and more I have found myself saying in my head "I won't miss doing this when I leave". Part of this comes from how many different things are part of my job. Doing everything was all well and good when I still felt like it would be recognized and appreciated. But such was not the case. The amount of feedback provided here is minimal at best, and then it generally only happens when you screw up. I've heard it said that there shouldn't be any surprises in your yearly performance review. Of course, this assumes you get a yearly performance review...

I did have a few surprises in the performance reviews over the years. But overall, my reviews were very very good and I am in a fairly good position in the company. That being said, I am also as far in the company as I think I'd ever be able to go. For all her talk of wanting to get out of day-to-day running of the company, my boss does not want to let go of those things. If I want to grow and learn new things, there's no choice but to leave.

And now I have two weeks left. My last day here will be Sept. 7. Then it is on to new and different things. But for two weeks, I have to show up to work and be present. Even though I've already checked out emotionally, I have a responsibility to do my assigned tasks until I walk out the door on Sept. 7. Turning my phone to silent though? Not happening.

Because, really, what's she going to do, fire me?


  1. *imagines, Hopefully*

    Your ring tone is the Jaws theme, right? Cos I can totally hear that...

    I am glad you are moving on. Everyone should be so lucky to have work that doesn't always feel like work, but more like discovery and excitement. I am fortunate that I have that almost every day. I hope that your new position has more excitement and discovery and Well done!s, and less weasels. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less weasels.

  2. I hear you. Hubby has some of those issues at his work too. And they keep piling the work on. But he's only been there a short time and even though he wishes things were better...this is still much better than it has been.

    Still, you should never settle for anything. You should continue to grow and you should be appreciated. I hope you have that at your new job.

  3. I'm really happy for you. Boy is WG going to miss you!

  4. I'm no good at having jobs. I'm either upsetting the apple cart (and ignoring everything else) or backing off and quickly developing a "been there, done that, don't feel like doing it over again and again" feeling.

  5. __If I want to grow and learn new things, there's no choice but to leave.__

    I would imagine that is it in a nutshell. No-one wants to stagnate. I wish you all the best at your new job. :)

  6. You are going to be SO missed in that place. Whatcha bet yer weesel will be calling asking 'where's this?' 'how do I do that' for at least two weeks...

    You're too good to be stagnating. You're too bright to sit on the sidelines. Go get'em girl. Cat proud of you.

  7. Hmm? Might I suggest playing nice all the way out the door. I think that might include turning your phone on silent. One never knows when we might need an old work connection.
